Cranberry Acre Blog


Hello everyone,and welcome to Cranberry Acre!

I will do my best to start off where I left off on our original Blog page, but also I will give a little detail on where we started in each of these topics too, so new people following us do not get lost. If you would like to see more detailed information of the start of Cranberry Acre, you can follow a link at the bottom of our page to the old Cranberry Acre Blog. These new Blog pages will give you information monthly on the farm and houses growth. We will also be adding great recipes and also preserving tips for the foods we grow here on Cranberry Acre. Every farm grows and changes as the needs change for the family running it. If you have any questions or would like to leave us a comment, please email us at,, we would love to hear from you. I hope you find these pages useful.



Barn & It's Critters

Store & Studio Sneak Peak


The Ever Changing Farm House


Home Cooking & Preserving